selected bios. cringe.


Works by Signe Boe (b. 1988, Djursland) are appreciated for their acumen, absurdity and underlying humour. They are often presented in the media of extended cinema, and in her sculptural exhibitions she combine past and tradition-heavy techniques such as gravure-printing with present technologies, frequently intertwined by an experimental textual layer. Her works allow the rational and concrete to encounter the absurd and poetic.


Signe Boe is primarily working in an expanded sculptural field where she is unfolding narratives through sculptural elements, surfaces and different temporalities. Boe does not have a base but is currently residing in a hotel in Copenhagen. Boe’s works were recently exhibited in Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus (2019), CCC Projects, Copenhagen (2019) and Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius (2019).


Signe Boe (b. 1988, Djursland) lives and works in Copenhagen.


The works of Signe Boe take their point of departure in the very strange things that occur to her. Recently she was approached at a party by a person who wanted to offer her a job; she had the perfect profile! Now, this is not something that occurs to her often, since she holds an MFA from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, which usually does not qualify her for anything else than her main occupation: being an artist working in the field of expanded cinema where narratives are being unfolded or supported by various elements of sculptural, flat and time-based character. The position she was offered was to smuggle medical cannabis capsules between two countries. In a way it does fit her well, since she perceives her artistic work to transport information between the rational/concrete, and the absurd/poetic. Furthermore she shares her base between two countries.


virkeligheden gennem virkeligheden er en forening, hvis formål er at bruge den virkelige verden til at fortælle noget om sig selv, og ikke tale om virkeligheden gennem en metafor. halvt møbleret værelse er virkeligheden gennem virkelighedens første projekt og er et samarbejde mellem billedkunstnerne Anne Elisabeth Eckersberg og Signe Boe.


Signe Boe (f. 1988) er uddannet fra billedhuggerskolen fra kunstakademiet i København 2017, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig og ved Nordic Sound Art – MFA Joint Study Program 2016. Hun arbejder med narrativer, skulpturelle elementer, flader og tidsligheder. 


Signe Boe (b.1988) lives and works in tono ton tono tono. Her practise ton tono tono tono tono tono ton tono. Ton tono ton tono C.C.C. Projects tono Kunsthal 44Møen ton tono.


Signe Boe (b. 1988, Djursland) lives and works in Copenhagen and Vilnius.


Signe Boe is a Master of Fine Arts from the Sculpture School Charlottenborg at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts in 2017. She works with narration through extended cinema, where sculptural elements serve to support the fictional frame. She was born in 1988 in Djursland and lives and works in Vilnius and Copenhagen.


Signe Boe, f. 1988, uddannet fra Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi i 2017. I Signes Boes værker kan der opstå møder mellem bibelske referencer formidlet og gentænkt i nyt digitalt format. Boe foretager finurlige sproglige undersøgelser, og hendes værk tager greb med vores nuværende teknologi, som gør det muligt, at dialogen bliver meningsløs. Boe anvender sin kunst til at pege på de problematikker og misforståelser, der kan opstå, når digitale medier forvrænger samtalen. Et eksempel på dette komme til udtryk i et nyere værk 2017, Bird Calls, der i form af den velkendte iPhone tager fat i den reelle samtales svære vilkår, særligt når pointer ændrer indhold og form, når de gentages i internettets uendelige univers. I værket er kvindeansigter smeltet sammen med papegøjer, som gentager ord – ord, som fuglen ikke selv forstår eller har skabt, men blot gengiver hvad den har hørt mange gange. Sigen Boe peger på de flokmentaliteter, som både mennesker og dyr er underlagt som en styrende funktion i vores dialog.


Signe Boe works with narratives, materialized in situations of time based media, flat and spatial objects as well as textual and performative formats. She holds an MFA from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and a diploma from The Nordic Sound Art Program.


Since 2016 Marie Raffn and Signe Boe (DK) have been collaborating on works as well as common platforms to present individual work. They are currently particularly interested in the female voice, écriture féminine and to merge the spaces of the written and the said.


Marie Raffn & Signe Boe (DK) is a Danish speaking artist collaboration, working together since 2016. Raffn holds a MFA from Malmö Art Academy from 2016. Boe graduated at The Royal Danish Academy of Arts ‒ Schools of Visual Arts 2017. Within the media of film, sculpture and text, Raffn and Boe are interested in linguistic and cultural misunderstandings, translations and exchanges.


Signe Boe (b. 1988) and Marie Raffn (b. 1991) are based in Vilnius, LT, and Copenhagen, DK.

Sea nail bow (bee nighty neigh diet) ant my reel raffle (bee nighty-night Ewan) obey seitan wiliness, ale tea, ant co-op in hey can, decay.


Signe Boe er MFA-studerende ved Billedkunstskolerne, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi og kredser i sit arbejde om oversættelse og sprog, som gestaltes gennem grafik, skulptur og performative gestus. Tidligere udstillinger hun har deltaget i tæller blandt andre The Museum i Leipzig, Overgaden og Kunstverein am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz i Berlin. For tiden bor og arbejder Signe Boe i København.


Signe Boe (b. 1988 DK) is currently studying at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Nordic Sound Art and in Klasse Blank at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig.
Lives and works in non-places.


A student at the Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Signe Boe (DK/DE) works with translation from image to sound and sound to image. The relation between composition and score with forest landscapes is her point of departure.